
Vein extractor

Nylon vein extractor

The Angiostrip device, thanks to the cables equipped with free ends or already pre-assembled with ogives of different diameters, easily adapts to the different venous stripping.techniques.
The correct use involves making a first small incision below the inguinal fold from which the stripper cable is inserted into the chosen vein. With gentle movements, the cable must be guided along the vein until its terminal emerges from the second incision made on the lower leg or proximally.
Subsequently, the handle is attached to the exposed terminal and the vein is extracted after blocking the ogive of the most suitable size at the tip on the opposite end of the cable.
To ensure a safe ascent of the stripper, it is necessary to secure the cable-vein-ogive complex with a suture thread.
The securing of the cable-vein-ogive complex allows the execution of traction and release maneuvers to facilitate vein extraction in case of stripping resistance.


  • Adaptable to various venous stripping techniques
  • Easy to insert and control during surgery
  • Reduces surgical trauma as well as aesthetic damage
  • Can be performed in Day Surgery
  • Cables available in two lenghts (100 and 120 cm)
  • Choice of 4 ogives of different diameters (6-9-12-15 mm)





• nr. 1 handle
• nr. 2 cables ,100 cm lenght
• nr. 1 ogive, 6 mm diameter, already pre-assembled on one end of a cable
• nr. 3 free ogives of different diametersi (9, 12 and 15 mm)

12 pcs


• nr. 1 handle
• nr. 2 cables ,120 cm lenght
• nr. 1 ogive, 6 mm diameter, already pre-assembled on one end of a cable
• nr. 3 free ogives of different diametersi (9, 12 and 15 mm)

12 pcs

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