HemorPex System® Plus

Sterile device for hemorrhoidopexy

HemorPex System® Plus is a rotating surgical anoscope (single use) enabling surgeons to perform fast & safely dearterializing hemorrhoidopexy (Recto Anal Repair). The procedure is carried-out above the pectinate line by applying slowly absorbable sutures to reposition the prolapsing anorectal mucosa/submucosa and ligating simultaneously the distal branches of the superior rectal artery.


A unique set of the HemorPex System® Plus (HPS Plus) features are optimizing the conditions under which hemorrhoids of grades II-IV, rectocele and obstructed defecation are treated effectively, while minimizing patient’s discomfort.


  • Facilitates a smooth insertion of the HPS Plus and allows the prolapsed tissue to be softly lifted/distributed along the device.
  • Enables safe rotation of the operating window.

Fixed Parts

  • 3 Fixation Holes are available to anchor and hold the HPS Plus in place, via suture for the duration of the intervention, enabling the surgeon to work with minimum OR assistance/support.
  • Main Body remains in contact with the anal canal, protecting the tissue up to the dentate line during the intervention.

Movable parts

  • Operating Window permits the protusion of the prolapsed tissue into the anoscope, providing direct vision and framing the operating field 2cm above the dentate line. Can be precisely aligned with the anatomical structures via a rotating wheel.
  • Rotating Wheel aligns the operating window with the 6 pre-set positions corresponding to the location of the hemorrhoid cushions and the distal branches of the SRA. Operates only with introducer placed in correct position.


Anesthesia choices & patient positioning

Procedure can be performed under local anesthesia and mild sedation.
Depending on the patient’s general condition, spinal or general anesthesia might be required occasionally.
Recommending to perform the procedure with the patient in lithotomy position.

Procedure summary

Dearterializing hemorrhoidopexy starts at 11 o’clock position with 1 superficial (submucosa) passage and a 2nd passage going deeper to realize a low ligature of the SRA distal branch, followed by a knot in the lower part of the protuding mucosa.
The following bessiges are used to plicate the mucosa in caudiocranial direction, with securing knots at every 2nd or 3rd passage.
A torsion of th canal can be prevented if the procedure is repeated by following the sequence 11-1-9-3-7-5 o’clock positions.

Posterior prolapse repair (rectocele) is performed at an intermediary position (12 o’clock) starting with a superficial mucopexy involving 2 a knot. The following passages are placed above the first knot and moving in a caudiocranial direction. Same procedure is performed at 11 and 1 o’clock in order to repair the anterior wall of the rectum.


  • Reducing duration of the jntervention by the ease of use.
  • Exceptional direct vision of the operating area.
  • Minimal disruption to the patient’s social and professional lives.
  • Reduction/absence of postoperative pain or severe complications.
  • Significantly lower overall cost per procedure versus other methods.




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